Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It Has Been Too Long!

It has been quite a while since I have had time to update the blog, and so much has happened! I am sitting in California on a business trip and the kids are staying with Grampa and Gramma for the week, so I FINALLY have a few minutes to update you on all of the ongoings in the Maki household over the last few weeks. The picture you see below is my two little loves fast asleep on the couch. This was taken on a Friday night when the kids and I were having a movie night. Daddy called, and while I was talking to him in the next room the kids fell asleep together all snuggled up and this is how I found them when I got off the phone. Isn't it beautiful to see how much they love each other!

 Saturday morning was fun! I had hung the comferter over our chairs to dry after laundering it, and the kids took the oppurtunity to make it their fort. Oh how I miss the days when things were so simple and something so simple was so much fun!
 The cold winter days outside have made for many long crazy days stuck inside. I have tried to be creative and come up with all kinds of fun stuff for the kids to do. Stickers are always a hit! So, I busted out the craft box and let them go nuts. Bella did just that... she is so addicted to chapstick that she decided to use the gluestick as her chapstick. Little did she know the glue stick would not help to rejuvinate her lips, but it was a little quieter in the house for a few minutes.
 Ahh more crafts! Kaeden and Bello both painted and egg carton that I had cut up for them. Couldn't you just eat her up even with the goofy smiles!
 A couple weekends ago we FINALLY had some nice warm weather. Warm enough to get the kids out on Saturday and Sunday to the park to go sledding at Lincoln Park a few blocks away. Al and Linda came with us on both days and we all had a BLAST! Kaeden started going down the hill on his own, and realized he loved it! After that, there was no stopping him!
 It was a good workout going up and down the hill with them, but even Al and Linda kept up to our little balls of energy.
 I was wise enough to bring hot chocolate in a thermal for the intermission we took in the warming house. The hot chocolate was a hit! And warming up for a few minutes was nice too!
 Of course when you come out of the warming house you can't miss all the play equipment, which is buried in snow, but we still managed to play on that as well. Bella was all dressed up like the kids in the Christmas Story, but she still managed to get around fine. We were playing Peek-a-Boo through the bars.
 And when she got tired of stumbling around in her winter gear she just had Al carry her around.
 Back to the hill! Round two on the hill. Kaeden had learned and loved to go down on his own, but he wanted and needed someone to help him pull his sled back up the hill. Kaeden went first, and then Al would slide down after him in order to pull his sled back up the hill
 After sledding the kids took a nap and at the last minute we Mason and I loaded the kids up to go to Gnomeo and Juliet. The kids really enjoyed the movie, as did Mason and myself. I was a little nervous of taking them wondering if they would sit through the whole movie, but they did pretty good!
 Valentines Day is finally here!!! Gramma Leslie send each of the kids a package in the mail with some Valentine goodies. They are always excited to get things in the mail!

 So after an awesome weekend sledding, and a short week at work, we packed up the truck and headed to Minnesota. They kids love to spend time with all the Fam back in MN, especially all of thier cousings. On Monday when I was getting ready to hit the road for the airport I put makeup on a few of the kdis, but Bella took it upon herself to do her own makeup. I tried to help her get it right but she nearly exploded each time I tried so I let her do her own makeup, and this is what I got! Isn't she beautiful!!!

 Of course they had to check it out in the mirror. Cute little Darlings!
It has definately been a long few weeks. We are all missin Daddy more and more each day. Only four months left baby! I am now in CA for work and will go back home Sunday, but for now I am totally enjoying a few moments to myself, some shopping with friends, and on Firday I get to see my Bestie, Sarah!

But, for now I can't hardly keep my eyes open so I am calling it a night.

We love you Daddy!
Come Home Soon!

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